Do you have any book discussion groups open to the public? many thanks, Ken Knott

I am searching the SE Conn area for a discussion group on classical literature? Any ideas?

Many thanks


Hi Mr. Knott,

Our library does not currently have a formal book discussion group of this nature.  Last year we did have a few book discussions but mostly around non-fiction works. 

I can suggest a few places to get you started and perhaps you'll find some additional referrals from there.

Several bookstores in the region have very active programming: Bank Square Books (Mystic), Other Tiger (Westerly), and RJ Julia (Madison). 

Public libraries in the area would also be great starting points - New London and Groton in particular offer a wide range of community programs.

Some of the larger universities in the area (Yale, UConn-Avery Point, Three Rivers Community College) may offer discussion groups open to the public.

Finally, you might consider an online forum to find others with similar discussion interests.  Yahoo forums has this group: and allows you to search for book discussion groups in the area and/or start one of your own.

I hope this helps!

  • Last Updated Sep 28, 2016
  • Views 90
  • Answered By Katie Nazarian

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